Church Use Rates
Use of the Sanctuary for weddings or meetings $450
Fee for Pastor’s consults with couple (2-3 meetings) $250
Use of the Sanctuary for funerals $250
Fee for Pastor’s consult (1 meeting) $75
Use of Sanctuary for baptisms $100
Fee for Pastor’s consult (1 meeting) $75
Use of Parlor $100
Use of Parlor and downstairs kitchen $150
Use of Gilpatric Hall $350
Use of Gilpatric Hall and main kitchen $450
-Members of the church will not be charged for use of the church facilities.
-Any group approved by the cabinet or trustees may use the facilities at no charge.
-Donations by members or approved groups are welcome.
-The above fees do not include services of the organist or custodian.
-Each person or group requesting use of the facilities will be given a copy of the building regulations.
If you would like to have Pastor Cathy officiate at your wedding or at a funeral, please contact the church office (603-253-7698) to schedule a consultation.